Our aim.....

Welcome all Ladies to the Biking Belles - Chichester and District Ladies Cycling Club (TM). Formed on August 21, 2010.

Biking Belles: developing the wellbeing, fitness and confidence in ourselves. For women by women.

We meet every weekend and the rides vary in degrees of difficulty and details of the rides are posted well in advance here on the Blog. We always stop halfway for that important cuppa and a slice of cake!

To enjoy our rides you should be fit enough to cycle at least 20 miles. For the timebeing we are referring all Novice / Starter rides to the CDC website. The dates of their rides are noted on this Blog, on the Starter page.

It's been a very exciting first couple of years and we have fulfilled our original aim to introduce more ladies to cycling, improve our fitness and to make new friends.....and to work towards and achieve those once impossible goals.

The BBs have grown and has become an exciting Club to be involved with, in 2012 we formed the Charity Belles fundraising section, raising over £2,000 during our first year. We are proud to have as our patron the Countess of March and Kinrara.

Social Belles meet once a month for a pub supper. An ideal opportunity for anyone interested in joining the BBs to come along and meet us all. It's also a chance for existing BBs to discuss future ideas and plans.

We welcome new members and I hope you enjoy being part of the BB's and that we form a long and happy cycling friendship!

Why not visit our Forum, just register at: www.bikingbelles.co.uk/forum

Happy and safe cycling!

Val Harper
Mobile: 07824 605317


You can now follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/bikingbelleschichester

Charity Belles

Patron: The Countess of March and Kinrara

TOTAL RAISED in 2012: £ 2,254.78 !!
thank you to everyone who donated and who helped raise this amount.

Tuesday, October 23 we presented our cheque for £2,009.78 to The Sussex Snowdrop Trust

Leyla, Jane, Jo Rule (business manager of the Sussex Snowdrop Trust), Angela, Di Levantine (co founder of the Sussex Snowdrop Trust) Val, John Rowlands from Southdown Velo cycling club and Fiona.

John and Di

We have also raised £245 for the Brent Lodge Bird and Wildlife Trust.

To make a donation:
1. Cheques should be made payable to: 'Charity Belles'
2. Pay direct into the C.B.'s bank account no: 46072489 and sort code: 600118

In 2012 we supported these two well deserving local charities:

The Sussex Snowdrop Trust - http://www.thesussexsnowdroptrust.com/
Registered charity no: 1096622
A unique charity providing 'Care at Home' for local children who have a life-threatening illness or who may be terminally ill. Based in Chichester the Sussex Snowdrop Trust provides:

* Care at home by Children's Community Nurses & Nurse Support Workers
* Emotional support which is met by Snowdrop Counsellors
* Financial help for families coping with the day-to-day problems of caring for a very sick child.


Brent Lodge Bird & Wildlife Trust - http://www.brentlodge.org/
Brent Lodge Bird and Wildlife Trust is a wildlife hospital. The trust, founded in 1978, is located near to Chichester. The Trust is dedicated to the treatment, rehabilitation and release of injured wild birds and mammals. They insure that as many patients as possible are rehabilitated and successfully released back into the wild.

We visited Brent Lodge on Saturday, Feb 11 2012....

Emma Pink, Manager of Brent Lodge in the foreground
Belles from left to right: Felicity, Mercy, Val, Elise, Angela, Ruth, Sandra and Caroline

Our special thanks goes out to Jo Rothery at The Chichester Observer for all her help and support since day one!

The Charity Belles plan to become involved each year with local charities in the Chichester area and will choose a different project every year. The charities could be perhaps providing equipment for the treatment of women, which could be brought to our attention by the medical profession, or perhaps recommended by a friend, a relation or a colleague, supporting local animal health trusts, children's charities etc.

Whichever cause or causes the Charity Belles decides to support, the overriding concern is that we raise as much money as we can, which would help in some way to bring about comfort, care and progress to a well deserving local charity.

Past fund raising:

Charity Belles fundraising in 2012:  £2,254.78 was the total amount raised

June 16, 2012 - Family charity ride raised £258

June 25, 2011 during Bike Week we raised £526 for the womenVcancer charity.